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Out of the kiln...

I've had a really slow start with my ceramic work this year. Probably because my workspace is so bloody cold in the winter I've had no desire to be down there. The sun has been showing itself recently and I've finally started some new work hurrarh, hurrarh. In the meantime, I did a glaze firing for some pieces I'd mad last year and finally got round to finishing off - here's one of them. Obviously inspired by the glorious Frieda Kahlo, she's been tattooed with Mexican influenced images including one of Kahlo's drawings on her back - I'm pretty pleased with her, except for a hairline crack on the back of her neck which appeared in the bisque firing - it's not going to do anything, but it's a shame and I'm not sure how to resolve it - will have to consult with the marvellous Gwen Vaughan...

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