A Penny For Them...
Oddbodies is making a new film. Shooting in July, A Penny For Them is a darkly comic and slightly twisted tale of greed, fear, Vikings and taxes. We've been given a bursary by the Exeter Phoenix Digital to make it - on the proviso that we also raise part of the budget with a Crowdfunding campaign. One of the difficult things of running a crowdfunding campaign is coming up with rewards or 'incentives' that will encourage people to support your project but that don't end up taking more time to deliver/produce than the actual film you are asking for support to make!
Anyway, one of the 'incentives' we've got in our campaign is a limited edition print inspired by an image from the original storyboard. The etching, (also called A Penny For Them) is a raven silhouetted in tree branches and was made using sugar lift and aquatint. I'd never used sugar lift before and I really liked it. Basically you paint directly onto the plate. When it's dry you cover the whole plate with stopout, when that's dry you put the plate in warm water, and the sugerlift lifts off! - it's like magic. Then you put your aquatint on and put it in the acid and away you go. The image is printed in black ink on German Etching paper and will be a limited edition. There are all sorts of other lovely rewards available in returnfor giving us support, treasure maps, magic runes, even the opportunity to play a viking in the film! So if you fancy a day out on the moor with your kids searching for a 'Lyford Penny' or a day out on a film set as a marauding Norseman, take a look at our campaign at www.crowdfunder.co.uk/A-Penny-For-Them